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What Is A Low Earth Orbit Satellite (LEO)?

by | Jul 26, 2023

In an era where connectivity and data exchange have become fundamental pillars of our society, LEO communication satellites emerge as a game-changer. These remarkable technological marvels have revolutionized our interconnected world, delivering many services and bridging vast distances with unprecedented speed. But what exactly is a Low Earth Orbit satellite, and why has it become the frontier of cutting-edge innovation? 

In this article, we will explore the applications and uses of LEO satellites, including how they are launched and deployed into their orbits. We will delve into the vital role they play in communication and data transmission while also addressing the challenges of interference and collision avoidance in the bustling LEO environment.

Additionally, we will examine the significance of LEO satellites, understanding their inner workings and the array of benefits they offer. We will explore potential downsides and consider alternative approaches to Earth orbit satellites.

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How Does Low Earth Orbit Satellite Work?

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites operate by orbiting the Earth at relatively close distances, typically a few hundred to a few thousand kilometers above the Earth’s surface. They work in interconnected constellations, forming a network that provides global coverage. LEO satellites communicate with ground-based stations to transmit and receive data, enabling various applications such as global communications, Earth observation, and navigation.

Due to their lower orbit, LEO satellites offer advantages such as reduced signal latency and higher data transfer speeds compared to satellites in higher orbit. They are able to achieve frequent revisits to specific areas on the Earth’s surface, allowing for up-to-date information and improved responsiveness.


Why Is Low Earth Orbit Satellite Important?

LEO satellites are crucial in narrowing the digital gap, bringing reliable internet access to remote and underserved areas. This, in turn, promotes education, e-commerce, telemedicine, and overall socio-economic growth.

Moreover, these satellites enable real-time monitoring of the Earth’s environment, weather conditions, and natural disasters. As a result, they greatly aid in effective disaster management and contribute to climate studies. LEO satellites also enhance navigation and positioning systems, leading to improved accuracy in transportation, logistics, and navigation services.

Beyond that, they are instrumental in scientific research, space exploration, and technological advancements. Serving as platforms for experiments and testing new technologies, LEO satellites drive innovation, connect communities, and push the boundaries of knowledge and opportunities.


Why Is Low Earth Orbit Satellite Important?


Applications And Uses Of LEO Satellites

LEO satellites play a pivotal role in revolutionizing multiple industries and enhancing our daily lives with their diverse range of applications. Let’s delve into some of the key ways LEO satellites are utilized:


Communication and Broadcasting

LEO satellites have transformed the field of communication and broadcasting, revolutionizing the way we connect and share information globally. These satellites serve as the backbone of instant voice, data, and video transmission, facilitating seamless communication across vast distances.

With LEO satellites, we can effortlessly make phone calls to individuals on the other side of the world, conduct video conferences with colleagues in different countries, and stream our favorite movies and TV shows without interruptions.


Scientific Research and Exploration

These satellites play a vital role in advancing our understanding of Earth, the universe, and various scientific phenomena. LEO satellites equipped with advanced sensors and instruments enable scientists to study Earth’s atmosphere, weather patterns, climate change, and environmental factors. They collect data on land use, vegetation, health, oceanography, and monitor natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods.


Earth Observation and Remote Sensing

LEO satellites are extensively used for Earth observation and remote sensing purposes. They capture high-resolution imagery of the Earth’s surface, enabling applications such as mapping, environmental monitoring, weather forecasting, disaster management, and agriculture. These satellites help researchers, governments, and organizations gain valuable insights into our planet’s dynamics and make informed decisions.


Navigation and Positioning

Low Earth Orbit satellites play a crucial role in powering worldwide navigation systems like GPS (Global Positioning System) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). These remarkable systems offer accurate positioning, navigation, and timing data for a diverse array of uses, spanning from guiding aircraft, ships, and vehicles to assist personal devices.


Internet Connectivity

LEO satellite constellations, such as Starlink and OneWeb, aim to provide global broadband internet coverage. These constellations consist of numerous interconnected satellites, working together to ensure widespread internet access, especially in underserved or remote regions.


Launch And Deployment Of LEO Satellites

Launching and deploying LEO satellites involves several key stages and technologies. Here’s an overview of the process:


Launch Vehicles

LEO satellites are typically launched into space using specialized rockets, such as Falcon 9, Atlas V, or Delta II. These launch vehicles carry the satellites to the desired orbit.


Orbit Injection

Once in space, the launch vehicle performs a series of maneuvers to inject the satellites into their intended orbits. These maneuvers include upper-stage engine burns and trajectory adjustments to achieve the desired orbit parameters.


CubeSats and SmallSat Deployers

LEO satellites often include smaller satellites called CubeSats or SmallSats. These compact satellites are deployed from larger host satellites or specialized deployer systems. They enable cost-effective and flexible satellite deployments.


Formation Flying and Constellation Formation

In the case of LEO satellite constellations, precise formation flying techniques are employed to establish and maintain the desired configuration of satellites. This ensures optimal coverage and connectivity across the constellation.


Communication And Data Transmission In LEO

In Low Earth Orbit, communication and data transmission encompass a range of technologies and factors that play crucial roles. Let’s delve into a few key aspects that deserve attention:

  • Ground Stations: LEO satellites communicate with ground stations located on Earth’s surface. These ground stations receive and transmit signals to establish two-way communication with the satellites.
  • Frequency Bands: LEO satellites utilize specific frequency bands for communication. They operate in different frequency ranges, including Ku-band, Ka-band, and V-band, depending on the application and service requirements.
  • Satellite-To-Satellite Links: In LEO satellite constellations, inter-satellite communication is crucial for efficient data transmission. Satellites within the constellation communicate with each other using high-speed links, allowing seamless data exchange and handovers.
  • Signal Propagation Delay: LEO satellites operate at relatively low altitudes, resulting in shorter signal propagation delays compared to geostationary satellites. This low latency is advantageous for real-time applications where immediate response is essential.


Interference And Collision Avoidance In LEO

To ensure the smooth operation and safety of LEO satellites, interference and collision avoidance measures are implemented.


Frequency Coordination

Regulatory bodies allocate specific frequency bands to different satellite systems, ensuring proper coordination and minimizing interference between satellite networks.


Space Traffic Management

Space Traffic Management (STM) encompasses a comprehensive framework of measures and regulations aimed at facilitating safe, sustainable, and secure access to outer space, as well as the conduct of activities and the return from space.1 As the number of satellites, spacecraft, and other objects in space continues to increase, ensuring the responsible and efficient use of space becomes crucial. 


Debris Mitigation

LEO satellites contribute to the growing space debris population. To mitigate this issue, satellites are designed with plans for safe deorbiting or reentry at the end of their operational life to prevent the accumulation of space debris.


What Are The Benefits Of Low Earth Orbit Satellite?

Low Earth Orbit satellites offer numerous benefits that make them highly advantageous for a variety of applications:


Global Coverage

LEO satellites provide global coverage, ensuring connectivity and communication capabilities across even the most remote regions of the planet. This global reach bridges the digital divide and enables access to information, services, and opportunities for people worldwide.


Lower Latency

Due to their lower orbit altitudes, LEO satellites offer lower signal latency compared to other satellite types. This is advantageous for real-time applications that require quick response times, such as online gaming and video conferencing.


Improved Communication

LEO satellites enhance communication capabilities by enabling seamless voice calls, data transfers, and video transmissions across long distances. They contribute to global connectivity and facilitate efficient information exchange.


Lower Infrastructure Costs

LEO satellites can provide connectivity without the need for extensive terrestrial infrastructure. This makes them a cost-effective solution for connecting underserved or remote areas, as they require fewer ground-based infrastructure investments compared to traditional communication networks.


Military And Civilian Operations

The rise of LEO satellites has had a transformative impact on both military and civilian operations. These satellites offer enhanced detection, communication, surveillance, and monitoring capabilities, improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and safety of a wide range of activities.


What are the Benefits of Low Earth Orbit Satellites


Are There Any Downsides To Low Earth Orbit Satellites?

While LEO satellite technology certainly brings a multitude of advantages, it is essential to recognize that there are also some downsides worth considering:

  • Shorter Lifespan: LEO satellites possess a significantly shorter lifespan compared to conventional satellites, necessitating more frequent replacements. This undertaking can be financially exacting and demands meticulous upkeep and scheduling.
  • Cost and Accessibility: Building and launching satellites, establishing ground infrastructure, and managing operations require significant investment. The costs associated with LEO technology can limit accessibility, making it challenging for certain regions or communities with limited resources to benefit from these advancements.
  • Satellite Constellation Complexity: LEO satellite constellations involve managing and coordinating many satellites. This can be complex and requires sophisticated tracking, control, and communication systems.
  • Space Debris: LEO satellites contribute to the growing issue of space debris. As more satellites are launched, the risk of collisions and the creation of space debris increases.2 Proper space debris mitigation strategies are crucial to ensure long-term sustainability.


What Are The Alternatives To Low Earth Orbit Satellite?

In the realm of space-based applications, numerous alternatives exist that can be explored instead of relying exclusively on LEO. These options encompass a wide range of possibilities, each offering unique advantages.


Geostationary Orbit Satellites

Geostationary satellites orbit at a higher altitude and remain stationary relative to a specific location on Earth. They offer continuous coverage over a specific region but have higher signal latency.


Medium Earth Orbit Satellites

Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites occupy an intermediate position between LEO and geostationary satellites. They provide a balance between coverage area and signal latency, suitable for certain applications like global navigation systems.


Highly Elliptical Orbit Satellites

Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) satellites are a type of satellite that follows a highly elliptical orbit around the Earth. Unlike circular orbits, HEO satellites have an elongated elliptical path, taking them far from the Earth and then bringing them closer to it during each orbit.


History Of Low Earth Orbit Satellite

During the 1970s, the first LEO satellite constellations emerged, including the Molniya system from the Soviet Union and the Transit system by the U.S. Navy. Although these constellations consisted of only a few satellites, they offered limited communication and navigation capabilities. Nonetheless, they showcased the potential of LEO satellites for global coverage and lower latency compared to their geostationary counterparts.3

In the following decades, the concept of LEO satellite constellations gained traction, particularly with the development of the Global Positioning System (GPS) by the United States Department of Defense. The GPS constellation, comprising 24 satellites in medium Earth orbit, revolutionized navigation and timing services on a global scale.

In recent times, the LEO satellite constellation landscape has been shaped by the rise of mega-constellations, such as SpaceX’s Starlink and OneWeb.


Final Thoughts 

The era of LEO satellites holds great promise for revolutionizing communication, expanding access to information, and propelling us into an era of unprecedented connectivity, making the world smaller and more interconnected than ever before. With their global coverage, low latency, high-speed data transfer, and ability to bridge the digital divide, LEO satellites are paving the way for unprecedented levels of connectivity and communication.

At Valence Surface Technologies, we understand the intricate nature of satellite systems and the criticality of their performance. Through our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced processes, we provide the necessary surface finishing services that contribute to the longevity, reliability, and functionality of space components. 

From non-destructive testing and chemical processing to paint and sub-assembly, our end-to-end solutions ensure a seamless and efficient experience.

For more information on how Valence can enhance your satellite systems, please contact our team of experts. We are ready to provide tailored solutions to meet your unique requirements.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

How high are LEO satellites positioned?

LEO satellites are typically positioned at altitudes ranging from about 160 kilometers (100 miles) to 2,000 kilometers (1,240 miles) above the Earth’s surface. 


What is the role of LEO satellites in internet connectivity?

LEO satellites orbit closer to the Earth, typically at altitudes ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand kilometers. This proximity enables LEO satellites to achieve lower latency and higher data transmission speeds, resulting in a significantly improved internet experience.


Can LEO satellites capture high-resolution images of the Earth?

Yes, LEO satellites are used for Earth observation and remote sensing, allowing them to capture high-resolution images and collect data about the Earth’s surface.


What is the nearest satellite to Earth?

The nearest satellite to Earth is the International Space Station (ISS). It is a habitable space station that orbits the Earth at an altitude of approximately 408 kilometers (253 miles). 


How many times does a LEO satellite orbit the Earth?

The number of times a LEO satellite orbits the Earth depends on its specific orbital parameters, including its altitude and inclination. In general, LEO satellites complete multiple orbits around the Earth each day. Satellites in lower LEO orbits with altitudes around 400-800 kilometers (250-500 miles) can complete approximately 15 to 16 orbits per day.



  1. An EU Approach for Space Traffic Management. (n.d.).
  2. Why space debris is a growing problem. (2023, June 13). World Economic Forum.
  3. Frąckiewicz, M. (2023, June 4). The Evolution of LEO Satellite Constellations: A Historical Perspective. TS2 SPACE.

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